If you’re unhappy together with your current position the time to start out networking for brand spanking new six figure jobs is now. Your job search are going to be far more effective if you’re negotiating from an edge of strength – being currently employed as against appearing desperate. People are often turned off and avoid you if you’re nagging them about job openings, while if you appear successful in your current position you’re someone that employers are going to be seeking out for his or her 6 figure job openings.
According to Forbes.com companies only check out your resume for a mean of 10 seconds. Despite your efforts this sometimes isn’t enough to urge you to the highest of the pile for that new six-figure job. Often it’s who you recognize , not what you recognize . Networking and getting a referral or having the ability to call drop to the hiring manager as soon as you enter the door can even seal the deal on a replacement six figure job without an interview.

So how does one set about networking for executive jobs or other 6 figure jobs? Some networking are often done online through your social media connections on Facebook, Twitter and Linked In. Though getting out and meeting people face-to-face and making new connections will open more avenues for your job search. before mentioning business in any conversation, brainstorm and make a brag line that tells people what you’re doing and the way good you are. For example: ‘I am a director of operations, specializing in creating new systems for streamlining business operations. I recently saved company ‘x’ six figures by outsourcing the decision center operations offshore’. This immediately causes you to sound sort of a pro, justifies a handsome salary and will spike interest for somebody to continue the conversation by asking you more. Certainly any high level CEOs within earshot will want to understand more about what you’ll do.
Trade shows, industry conferences and networking events are all popular places for employers to headhunt the highest employees of their competitors. confirm you’re there, this is often the right time to seek out new 6 figure jobs. there’s nothing wrong with dropping hints that you simply could also be curious about offers for jobs with a far better salary but they ought to be those to bring it up. Related companies that both you and your company’s competitors do business with also are often an excellent source for locating out who has available jobs and where you ought to start your search.