Indian Energy Exchange accomplished 7151 MU volume in July’22 containing 6088 MU in the traditional power market, 589 MU in the Green Power Market, and 475 MU (4.75 lac Certificates) in the REC Market, with a downfall of 1.7% across all market fragments on YoY premise.
As per the power request information distributed by the National Load Dispatch Center, during July’22 the energy utilization at 128 BU saw 2.3% YoY development though there was a downfall of 4% w.r.t June’22. The public pinnacle interest at 190 GW was lower by 5% YoY and 10% lower on MoM premise because of good storm spell. Due to the decrease sought after, the clearing cost in the Day-Ahead Market diminished to Rs. 5.41 per unit in July’22 from Rs. 6.49 per unit in June’22.
The Day-Ahead Market volume at 3517 MU saw a decay of 17% YoY during the month. The market clearing cost was Rs. 5.41 per unit which was lower by 17% on MoM premise.
As a result of supply imperatives, the clearing cost was high by 84% w.r.t same period last year.
The Real-Time Electricity Market accomplished 2131 MU volume during the month, enrolling a development of 34% YoY. The most noteworthy single-day volume of 89.16 MU was accomplished on 20 July’22.
The Term-Ahead Market including intra-day, possibility, day to day and week after week contracts exchanged 440 MU during the month, enlisting de-development of 42%.
IEX Green Market involving the Day-Ahead and Term-Ahead Market fragments accomplished 589 MU volume during July’22, enrolling decline of 13% YoY.
The Green Day-Ahead Market accomplished 446 MU volume with the weighted typical cost of Rs 4.63 per unit and saw interest from 169 market members during the month. The biggest number of members in a solitary day was 116 on July 12.
The Green Term-Ahead Market accomplished 142 MU volume and saw support from 18 market members. The typical month to month cost for Solar was Rs 3.39 per unit while the typical month to month cost for Non-Solar green power was Rs 5.78 per unit.
The key conveyance utilities from States including Haryana, Daman and Diu – Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Telangana, Gujarat, Punjab as well as a few modern shoppers partook in the Exchange’s Green Market during the month.
A sum of 4.75 lacs RECs were cleared in the exchanging meeting at IEX hung on Wednesday, 27 July’22. The volume contained 3.08 lacs Non-Solar RECs with clearing cost at Rs 1,000 for every REC and 1.67 lacs Solar REC with clearing cost at Rs. 1100 for every REC.
The following REC exchanging meeting at the Exchange is booked on Wednesday 31 August 2022.