We live in a time where choosing the type of RV we are buying or renting has never been easier. You get to decide on the size of it, which depends on your needs and camping purposes. When camping or traveling with kids, it’s important to mind the size and comfort level of the RV you are taking to make sure you provide your family with quality time. To make this decision, a lot of things have to be considered first, like the number of members in your family and the amount of stuff you are packing with you. If you can’t make up your mind on what type of RV you should get or can’t decide on the size, we are here to help.
Here are some tips you need to bear in mind before choosing the size of the RV you are getting for your family.
Know Your Traveling Goals

When traveling with your family, it might not be easy to decide on the trip’s itinerary. You will need to know the expectations of those who are traveling with you to find out how you are going to be using the RV. Your kids might not enjoy going out on a nature trip and being outdoors to explore new places. They might simply just prefer to stay inside the RV and play with their phones. In this case, your family may need a bigger RV that will be comfortable to stay in all day. You don’t necessarily need the biggest size you can find, but a medium-sized one that is affordable and comfortable for your kids will be a great idea.
Prioritize Comfort
Just as it is important to know your camping goals and your family’s expectations, you should also prioritize keeping them comfortable, especially if you plan to go on a long camping trip. Some of your family members may be more adventurous than others, while older members may need all the needed facilities that can be installed to keep mobility disabilities accommodated if needed. This is why it is important to get to know your family’s comfort standards to be able to provide them with the expected level of comfort. If you’re going on a trip with a lot of people, don’t expect them all to be outside at the same time.
Number of Family Members

Depending on the size of your family, you should decide the type and size of RV you are getting. Having a family of more than 4 members will need a bigger RV size than usual. This also means that you need an RV with more facilities to serve all of your family members. However, bigger RV’s are not always better, especially when you are renting the RV instead of buying it. If you are not looking to purchase, smaller RV’s tend to be cheaper to rent, which means you will be saving more money when going for a small one. So when deciding on the size based on your family members, especially if you are renting, make sure you don’t go over the budget with the size of your recreational vehicle.
Number of Beds Your Family Will Use
If you have younger children on board, you can get away with a couple of beds as your children will be okay to sleep next to each other. However, if your children are teenagers or young adults, each one of them will need their own bed, probably in a separate corner. Kids are hard to please and you will need to make such arrangements before going on a trip to avoid having one of your kids ruin the mood of the entire trip. Make sure your RV has enough beds for each member of your family. Families with younger kids will be able to squeeze 2 kids on each bed so even if your family contains fewer members, there is a big chance you will need a bigger RV if your kids are a bit older.
How Many Bathrooms You Will Need
Privacy is the most important thing when it comes to sharing a living space with your family. Even with a small number of members in your family, using the same bathroom is never convenient. While your children might prefer to have separate bathrooms for each one of them, you need to have at least two bathrooms on board when traveling with your family. Aim to have one for the kids and another one for the adults in the family. This means you don’t necessarily need a bigger RV, however, one that comes with more than one bathroom will be more than enough. This option will be available more frequently in bigger RVs though.

Consider the Luggage and Furniture Space
Going on a camping trip or traveling with your family in an RV will require a lot of packing and items to bring along. Whether it’s a couple of lounge chairs for relaxing or a bunch of toys for your little ones, you will need to consider how much space you will be needed in the RV you are getting or renting for keeping all of those things. This should be an extra space beside that you will be using with your family or sleeping in. Your RV should have enough space to fit all the luggage your family will be bringing in addition to the pieces of furniture placed in the RV to accommodate your stay. This means a bigger RV will be better when taking a lot of stuff on a family trip.
When choosing a suitable RV for your family, it’s always better to have an idea of your family’s needs and comfort levels. This will help you find the perfect RV that can be taken on family trips without having to spend a lot of money. It is also important to decide on the size of the RV based on the luggage your family usually takes along when traveling or visiting new places. Make sure this space won’t take up a lot of the main space your family will need inside the RV to sleep and spend the night. Keeping these things in mind will help you determine the size of the RV you need and what to look for when choosing a family RV for traveling and visiting camping sites.