What is Grip Deadlift?
Grip Deadlift is a Weight-lifting workout that starts from the floor and engages the quads and mid-back. Two of the most popular and common deadlift types are Conventional Deadlift and Romanian Deadlift. When the term “Deadlift” is used, it means Conventional Deadlift only.
A deadlift showcases the strength of a person. It is one of the most common workouts performed by several gym-goers, weight lifters, and athletes to enhance their fitness level and performance.
What is the Alternate Grip Deadlift?
An Alternate grip deadlift is performed on the barbell with one palm facing toward you and the other facing away from you. In other words, one hand is supinated and the other is pronated. It is believed that such a grip provides a superior hold (grip) on the barbell.
Having a strong grip is exceptionally important for powerlifters. An Alternate Grip Deadlift is a good option for powerlifters to enhance their strength and performance but the same statement does not stand true for all. It can risk your health and make your training regime experience hiccups.
Two of the primary reasons that put an Alternate Grip Deadlift at risk for non-powerlifters are:
- Prone to developing an injury
- Hampers training
Let us check out the disadvantages attached with the Alternate Grip Deadlift:
- Asymmetry
An alternate grip deadlift introduces the performer to experience asymmetry in the shoulders. When the workout is performed, one arm gets engaged in the external rotation and the other arm is engaged in performing an internal rotation. The opposite action of the arms creates asymmetry in the muscular region of the shoulders because of different levels of tension. Also, the workout leads to the translation of stress in the spine and hip joints.
- Strains the back
Several instructors and weightlifter coaches have mixed feelings regarding the Alternate Grip Deadlift. One of the other main disadvantages attached with the Alternate Grip Deadlift is that it can strain the back of the weightlifter because the workout gives an increased potential for rotation.
- Risk of tearing the bicep tendon of supinated arm
The supinated hand is the one with the palm forward or upward. The main reason for powerlifters to employ an Alternate grip deadlift is to enable lifting more weight. But when the supinated grip undergoes the stress of lifting the heavy load, it impacts the bicep muscle group, risking an injury like a bicep tendon tear. If the workout is performed with the elbows kept straight, then the risk of harming the bicep tendons can still be avoided.
Now that you are aware of the cons attached with the alternate grip deadlift, you can make your decision about going for the deadlift or not. But the fact remains that the grip is still a popular format among the powerlifters and their coaches also recommend the same. The tip here is to perform the workout under expert supervision initially. Beginners should never try to perform the lift unattended because they may end up straining their back/shoulder/hip joint.
In a nutshell, the following pointers will give you enough reasons to ditch your alternate grip deadlift:
- If you are a beginner powerlifter, then the technique is not the right one for you. But if you may still want to perform it, then doing it under expert supervision is most recommended.
- In case you have only 2-3 years of experience in strength training, then going for the Alternate Grip Deadlift is not a great idea.
- If you are not a powerlifter, then you may not have enough reasons to try new odds to achieve specific goals. You can easily ditch the Alternate Grip Deadlift and be happy with the Conventional one.
- If you do not have a strong grip or strength in your grip, then this form of workout may prove to be a harmful one for you.
- If you have an issue with the mobility of your shoulder, then avoiding the alternate grip deadlift is a wise decision.
- In case any powerlifter or a non-powerlifter has pre-existing injuries in the shoulder, bicep, or back; then avoiding the alternate grip deadlift is a good stand.
If you have a problem with your grip, then you should exercise to improve grip strength, and using a grip strengthener like Squegg can easily enhance your grip. Moreover, it will also relieve you from straining your essential joints in the body.
Final Thoughts
Grip strengthening is one of the main areas of focus for sportspeople, trainers, and workout performers. Even powerlifters have to train their grip to improve their performance. Hence, grip strengtheners can boost their performance to another level and give them the confidence to enhance their game. Powerlifters experience imbalances in their lift due to several reasons and a weak grip is an essential shortcoming that they need to work upon. Buying a grip strengthener can be a great decision for such performers.