HOLLYWOOD Road Kill – It was the season three finale of “The Oval” and oh, did this episode bring people. This week’s episode, Road Kill, kicked off when Priscilla’s instincts kicked in after overhearing a conversation between Allan and Donald. Priscilla was ready to attack, but when Allan revealed that Jason was in their apartment when he tried to rape Ellie, Priscilla was confused. It further proved to her that when Donald showed up unexpectedly at Allan’s apartment, it meant he was up to no good.
Allan stop being shaken and calm down. Priscilla tells him to put on his shoes and that it’s time to leave because there is danger and Priscilla is armed and ready to go. As soon as they opened that door, Agent Grip was standing right there with a gun and Priscilla had her gun loaded and pointed at the wound. She is truly more than just a cook. Nancy was worried that Barry was on the street and thought that harm was directed at her son. Donald tried to express his condolences to Hunter about Jason’s death. This is a softer side of Hunter and he admitted to Donald that Victoria was responsible for Jason’s death.
What, the war between Hunter and Victoria has caused people and could POTUS be the one to take Victoria out? Barry eventually answered a phone call from his father asking his son to come home because he wanted everyone to stay safe and be together. Barry, please, for the love of God, stop acting like a petulant little child. After much questioning, Richard managed to get Barry to come home. Alonzo was questioned by Hunter, who asked questions about Agent Grip and how Hunter had sneaked out of the White House in the past. Hmm, Hunter, you may not understand this, but Alonzo is NOT Grip. He has a moral conscience and will not take you to women just on your reference.
Donald decided to berate Victoria for her latest move, which viewers found out was that Donald gave Victoria the drugs she used to murder Jason. Well, Donald is climbing to the top of the enemy list for a lot of people, and I mean a lot of people. Well, who is in charge? Hunter, Victoria or Donald? Right now it looks like Donald, but Victoria is going to visit and finds no one there. Nancy seemed to have Intel on Hunter, who she had been keeping under lock and key for quite some time. Is Nancy hinting at something that is bound to happen before this year’s finale ends?
Back to the Sam and Kyle standout, Kyle was seriously injured while Kyle continued to throw funny jokes. Bobby and Max got to the safe room and Kyle was nervous people and I like that. Sam insisted that Kyle be kept alive, Max tried to convince Bobby and Sam that it was okay to treat Kyle. Damn, give Max the revenge he deserves. Max managed to get Sam out of the room and into the hospital.
Kyle playing with Bobby is not the right person. Especially after what you did to Lily! Barry returned home a bit sullen, luckily Nancy was able to keep her son cool for the time being. Sharon, you’re making it too much, but it was a laugh I absolutely needed, but I seriously hope this tension doesn’t lead to Barry and Sharon getting back together. Dale tried to keep Kareem calm as Simone and Eli worried that the people who were supposed to meet them were later than expected. Eli received a call from Max alerting him that Sam had been shot by Kyle.
Eli made it clear that Kyle had to stay alive, and repeated it more than once. Eli and Simone realize they can’t trust anyone, but the people they work with have to take care of things themselves. Sam didn’t seem like good people, and that’s not a good sign, folks. Richard took a call from Max to let him know that Sam was in the hospital and needed him to stay by his side. Lilly arrived at her house and took the money out of the safe, hoping not to be discovered. However, she eventually came face to face with Donald when she tried to escape the compound.
Donald knew his wife was in the house and called for her to show her face. Lilly wanted Donald’s car, he threatened the Secret Service, and she made the epic move of pulling out a gun and planning to fire it at her husband. He threw the keys on the table and tried his best to bait his wife as he approached Lilly in an attempt to disarm her. Lilly answered the door and was shot, but the audience does not know who did it. However, she took a gun and shot Donald. They don’t look good about who lived and who died, just as Nancy, Dale, Kareem and Sharon come face to face with Hunter arriving at Richard’s house.
Damn! Talk about a cliffhanger people. I’m not happy not knowing what happened to Priscilla, Allan and Grip and what happened to Sam, Kyle and Bobby. Come on, you can’t just leave people hanging. Good news, “The Oval” has been renewed for a fourth season! It is NOT yet known when it will premiere, but we should get answers to many of the questions we still have.