We will make strong advice on what settings to fix to get the best out of every experience we have. We recommend that you maintain a high level of configuration if your device can provide up to 60 FPS with all setup settings.
You should try to lower any game settings if you get less than 60 FPS. Decreasing too many settings will sadly have a small impact on framerate decline. If the setting gives 10% improvement, and a different setting gives 10%, both do not give 20%, but just a 10-15% change.
Upgrade FPS with minimal invisible effects
Reduce Shadow Quality Upwards.
Lower AA towards MSAA x4.
Two such configurations have little effect on the functioning of the World of Warcraft. Removing them will result in an increase in FPS to 25% –40%.
Upgrade FPS with minimal visual effect
You should take the following steps after using the above to further improve your FPS:
Preparation of AA into CMAA or FXAA.
Reduce Liquid to High Definition.
Reduce to higher: SSAO.
Reduce the viewing distance to 7-8.
Reduce environmental information to 7-8.
Low pressure: 7-8.
You can get an additional FPS of 25% to 50% (in some cases, almost double frames), but it costs money because the changes to these settings are noticeably different. However, there is little noticeable difference, and World of Warcraft will still look attractive enough to maximize performance quickly.
Storage Resort
Minimize your adjustment beyond the default screen adjustment.
Reduce image quality to 4-6.
Due to the slide set, the final solutions are easily accessible. Sadly the effects of the images are bad and ugly. Unless the image quality set to 4 and the reduced resolution have become playable frames, it’s time to consider upgrading your device.
Other Functional Features
Other non-graphic dynamics influence the emergence of World of Warcraft. Consider these alternatives if you already use the above settings and are always very efficient:
Block the Death of a Knight Sound: Configuration >> Sounds >> Death Speakers. Many have recorded satisfactory output improvements as DK Voice has been disabled.
Disable Proverb: Configuration-> Sounds-> Click the button. Most people show significant improvement in results because Action is off.
Large blocked addons: Many additional components, especially weak systems, can lead to significant operational penalties. Try installing Skada instead of a recount.
Hard-working computer hardware: If you have a dirty CPU or GPU temperature sinks, your device may be clogged to prevent overheating. Keep the internal CPU clean to stop thermal throttles.
Slow Internet: Try switching to a wired network to minimize delays like using a wireless. If the connection is already slow (with high ping), there is nothing you can do, but a fast connection can do it.
Those changes are not related to the image setting and may increase the frame (or not) magnification. The integration of non-graphic anxiety is focused on it and is not limited to our understanding of World of Warcraft.