One of the best ways to make screen recording is by setting up your preferred screen recording software. Most screen recording software for Windows 10 is pretty easy to set up and use. They usually include a user guide or tutorial on how to get started, share a few basic settings to adjust, and allow you to easily switch between different windows and apps to record.
You’ll definitely want to make sure you have the most current version of your preferred screen recorder before using it. You can update your software by opening the software itself, clicking “Help and Support,” and then clicking “Update.” After updating, make sure you test it out before recording your first screen.
Tips for making screen recording in Windows 10
- If you’re new to screen recording, you might be wondering what some best practices are. There are a few things you can do that will make your screen recording experience in Windows 10.
- Make sure you have a USB microphone plugged in and ready to go. This is important for capturing audio, as well as positioning your computer while you’re recording. Too much movement will cause jitters in the video, which can cause a lot of issues when you’re editing your video. Plus, a shaky computer screen is really distracting, so it’s important to have your computer and screen as still as possible when you’re recording.
- Make sure you have your audio settings properly set before you start recording. This includes but isn’t limited to an audio source and recording option. You don’t want to start recording with a terrible audio experience.
- Make sure you properly name your files before you save them. This makes it easier for you to find the files when you want to edit them.
- If you want to make a specific point in your recording to be emphasized, such as a big decision you made or a big sale you made, make sure you highlight this point in advance.
Start recording!
Just start up your computer, plug in your USB microphone, and start recording right away. You’ll see that the built-in screen recorder Windows 10 has a key above the Windows logo. There, you can see it says “Screen Recording” and that it’s set to “On.” That’s what you want to start recording through.
If you have your preferred screen recorder software installed, it will also start recording automatically when you start up your computer. Once your recording is started, it’s best to have your microphone plugged in and your computer recording through a USB output.
Screen recording software is an incredibly useful tool that can help you create tutorials, share how-to content, demonstrate how to use software and hardware, and more. Whether you’re a content creator, a student, or just want to better understand what’s going on your screen, screen recording software is a great tool.
However, some systems might not be as accommodating as others when it comes to recording your screen. Luckily, there are a few things you can do to make screen recording easier on most systems. This includes setting up screen recording software, making sure these necessary settings are enabled and making sure your hardware is set up just right. With a little bit of effort, you can have a hassle-free experience when it comes to recording your screen with the best screen recorder for PC.