When a teenager gets his driving license new doors open for him to explore. You might have gone the freedom and right to drive all by yourself, however, it should not mean that you start cruising at high speeds in a residential neighborhood. There are certain practices that you must follow to ensure the safety of yourself and other road users as well.
Driving calls for extreme care as a little mistake can result in an accident. An Accident injury may become a life-threatening, or at least life-altering experience if care is not taken. Here is what every first-time driver should practice before going on a busy road as told by people who publish UK Road Rage Rankings.
1. Practice On Quiet Roads
Instead of jump-starting your driving experience on a busy highway, take your time to practice on quiet roads. Passing a driving test is one thing, but driving on a busy road is another experience and you should be prepared well for it. No one will stop for you if your car stops in the middle of the road or you might end up hitting someone. Therefore, it is better to practice a little.
Try to practice alone on the roads with light traffic and no hazards such as kids playing nearby. Once you get a stronghold of everything, you can enter the busy roads.
2. Adjust Before Starting The Engine
When you are a first-time driver, multitasking while driving might intimidate you. When you are a new driver, make sure you make the necessary adjustments before starting the engine. These adjustments include setting the seat according to your comfort level. You might have to bring the seat closer to the pedals if you have short legs or move it further away in case you have longer legs than the previous driver. Take a look at the side mirrors and back mirror to make sure you have clearer vision, adjust the mirrors if required. Lastly, make sure you wear the seat belt.
If you start driving without making these adjustments, you might have to do them in the mid-way, risking an accident.
3. Follow Speed Limits
Traffic police set a speed limit for certain roads by considering various factors such as accident history, road type, and traffic limit. Make sure that you follow the speed limit of the road you are using. The limit should be written on the signboards along the roadside.
Hitting the accelerator when you are driving might seem intimidating, however, if you are not careful you might end up in a serious accident.
4. Be Confident
The most important tip to remember when driving for the first time is to be confident. If you are lacking self-confidence, you might be shaky and nervous. These two things are the biggest culprits of an accident. Make sure you are holding the steering wheel with strong hands.
Keep an eye on the road but remain confident. Relax your shoulders and drive with ease. When you are careful, you do not have to worry about becoming a part of an accident.