Lululemon was a name that a significant number of us heard a ton about once upon a time. While the design athletic brand has blurred a little, there’s as yet one thing truly connected with the name Lululemon: murder. Indeed, the notorious 2011 Lululemon murder’s a case notable all through the genuine wrongdoing local area. All things considered, it’s one of the cases that is notable outside of the universe of genuine wrongdoing also.
For what reason did Brittany Norwood kill individual associate Jayna Murray? Everything boils down to some Lululemon yoga pants. Murders have been submitted for less, yet we need to concede that some costly yoga pants most certainly makes the first spot on that list. With the tenth commemoration of Murray’s appalling homicide drawing nearer, it’s an ideal opportunity to go over the Lululemon murders.
The underlying story
In March 2011, a Lululemon administrator came to work at the Bethesda Lululemon. In the store, she tracked down the location of a grizzly assault. After calling the police, they proclaimed Jayna Murray, a graduate understudy near completing her two bosses degrees, dead and Brittany Norwood was taken to the clinic. Norwood said that two men came in the store as she and Murray returned so Norwood could get a lost wallet.
After this, they were mistreated. Norwood said that she was assaulted over and over. She made due, clearly, on the grounds that the assailents jumped at the chance to have intercourse with her more than Murray. Obviously, be that as it may, this all ended up being a load of blatant falsehoods prepared by Norwood to conceal the homicide she submitted in the Lululemon store. She, not the made-up covered men, was the one to have killed Murray.
The genuine story
Police, in any case, immediately saw through Norwood’s story. Evidently, Brittany Norwood had a propensity for taking things. She would take things from her partners in secondary school and from associates at Lululemon. She once took a weave from a beautician by finishing the weave and afterward saying somebody took the wallet out of her sack. After this, she just never paid for the work and that is the means by which you take a weave.
The administrators at the Lululemon store were very much aware of Norwood’s taking propensities. They were attempting to get her terminated from the Lululemon store at the hour of the killings. Essentially, it’s truly difficult to fire somebody, you must have an impenetrable case. So a representative needed to in a real sense get Norwood in the demonstration. Tragically, that was Jayna Murray who got Norwood with some yoga pants.
Making this more terrible? The evening of the homicides, Jayna Murray shouldn’t be working. She was covering a shift for another chief. Norwood’s wrongdoing didn’t do anything. Murray had effectively informed everybody that she had gotten her in the demonstration. For that, Murray was given 331 injuries with five distinct weapons, passing on in perhaps the most merciless manner possible.
After this, Norwood limited her own options and feet subsequent to giving herself generally minor injuries and laid close to Murray’s cadaver for a really long time until the day supervisor came into the Lululemon store.
What was the deal?
Brittany Norwood was captured, clearly, for Jayna Murray’s homicide. Following a six-day preliminary, Norwood was seen as at legitimate fault for first degree murder. She was condemned to existence without any chance of parole for her wrongdoing. Judge Robert Greenberg, who condemned Norwood, said that he returned home and emulated wounding something multiple times. He said that Norwood had plentiful chance to stop.
He likewise got down on the workers of the Apple store close to the Lululemon. At the hour of the killings, you can see security film of representatives tuning in and not calling. Supposedly, they heard Jayna Murrary asking God for help. So they need to live with that.
Brittany Norwood is presently detained in Maryland Correctional Institute for Women. In 2015, she ran out of direct allure choices.
We asked our own soothsaying master, Phoenix Knor’malle, Psychic Advisor to present a defense examination:
I feel like there might have been all the more an intention to Murray’s homicide as opposed to this article recommends. Maybe Norwood was desirous of Murray’s prosperity, or possibly she felt like the workplace was unreasonable. Regardless, it would have been a lot simpler for Norwood to just leave her place of employment at Lululemon, eliminating herself from the circumstance while trying not to be terminated. There are a few signs that you ought to leave your place of employment, as portrayed in the article. Despising your chief (or colleagues) is one of the significant markers, which might have forestalled the heightening at Lululemon.