Our test to construct harmony as a general public is that it requires a significant moral change.
A gathering of ladies from different areas of Colombian culture have sent off a new peacebuilding drive, the Ethical Pact for a Country in Peace. The Pact approaches Colombian culture, policymakers and the global local area to help the ‘change’ of Colombian culture to a tranquil one, by joining to 15 activities.
This common society action runs corresponding to the proper harmony talks as of now being held between the Government of Colombia and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) and is being driven forward by the Women, Peace and Security Collective for Reflection and Action. Including ladies from various areas of Colombian culture – the military, the public area, strict associations, ex-soldiers, common society associations and business – the aggregate framed out of a course of learning and trade between the Philippines and Colombia Women with by peacebuilding NGO Conciliation Resources.
Starting from far edges of the Colombian social range, through a difficult course of discourse, these ladies currently center around a shared objective. The aggregate gives an illustration of how variety can be embraced and utilized for positive change in a nation where social partitions run profound.
We should change our thinking from that of winning the conflict to winning the harmony
Rosa Emilia Salamanca, Corporación de Investigación y Acción Social y Económica (CIASE)
The aggregate backings the harmony talks yet accepts it is important to go further and work with various ways to harmony, including common society and those ordinarily underestimated in this extremely male centric culture, in the event that a manageable harmony is to be found.
We invite the Government and the insurrection’s obligation to finish the assignment of stopping furnished struggle, subsequently supporting our longing for harmony with this discourse.
Colectivo de Pensamiento y Acción Mujeres, Paz y Seguridad (Women, Peace and Security Collective for Reflection and Action)
Sending off a ‘Settlement for Peace’
A send off occasion on 2 October at the University Javeriana in Bogotá, saw north of 330 individuals – again from a wide segment of Colombian culture – hear remarks from a portion of those engaged with the task and sign up to the Pact. In a particularly emotive piece of procedures, twenty ladies from various areas, occupations, ages and belief systems read out the 15 activities from the Pact.
We need to perceive how to change as a general public and how to change ourselves, how to work with others and how to quit sorting individuals as either ‘positive or negative’.
Rosa Emilia Salamanca, CIASE
Before long, the ladies will coordinate a program of instructive and special occasions, determined to order north of 1,000,000 marks to present to Colombian government officials in February 2014, preceding the official races occurring in April of that very year.