This article is about a man who made a ‘female delusion calculator’, which is a computer program that can calculate the probability of someone having a certain delusion, such as believing they are female. The creator of the program has said that it is designed to help people who are struggling with gender dysphoria, or who are concerned about the risk of developing gender dysphoria in the future.
What is a Female Delusion Calculator?
A Female Delusion Calculator is a web application designed to help individuals who are experiencing delusions related to their gender identity. The calculator provides users with a list of common delusions, as well as information on how to treat them. The calculator was created by the Foundation for Gender Education and Research (FGER) in collaboration with the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.
How Does it Work?
The “Female Delusion Calculator” is an online tool that assists men in diagnosing and treating women with delusions. The calculator provides a detailed analysis of a woman’s delusional beliefs, and discusses the best ways to help her overcome them.
The calculator was created by Dr. Christian Jarrett, a journalist and mental health expert, as part of his ongoing mission to help men understand and support women with mental health issues. According to Jarrett, many men find it difficult to understand and empathize with women’s experiences of mental illness, and the “Female Delusion Calculator” is designed to address this deficiency.

The calculator takes into account a Variety of factors, including the nature and extent of the woman’s delusions, her level of functioning and distress, and her relationship with her delusions. It also provides guidance on how to support her cognitively and emotionally, as well as suggestions for interventions such as therapy or medication.
Jarrett believes that the “Female Delusion Calculator” will play an important role in helping men better understand and support women with mental health issues. He says that it can provide valuable information about a woman’s symptoms, help identify any underlying issues
Benefits of the Female Delusion Calculator
The Female Delusion Calculator was created to help women who suffer from delusions know more about their condition and what kind of treatment is necessary. The calculator takes into account a woman’s age, mental health history, and other factors to provide an accurate estimate of the degree of delusion. The calculator also provides information on how to seek treatment and manage the disorder. Many women find this information useful in making informed decisions about their care.
In a recent article on BuzzFeed, a man created a “Female Delusion Calculator” to show how ridiculous women’s delusions can be. The calculator allows users to input their gender, age, and other demographic information in order to generate an estimate of how delusional they are according to that particular category. For example, someone who is 16 years old and believes they are 20 would score the delusion as being moderately delusional. This tool is an interesting way to think about female delusions and the ways in which society has dictated what counts as a “normal” woman’s mindset.